Starting this year, the Primary Health Care team is training 2 people from each of the 23 communities. This is what you have helped us achieve so far: 

  • Training has begun in 21 out of the 23 communities you help us serve.
  • 39 future Health Promoters have already begun their training. Out of these, 22 are women and 17 are men. 

Lester Lorente, Rural Primary Health Care Coordinator, shared with us about this new strategy.

Lester Lorente

Lester is AMOS’ Rural Primary Health Care Coordinator. Below, read what he shared about this new strategy and its objective.

What is the purpose of this strategy?

Lester: “Our main objective is to ensure that there are trained people in every community who can take on the role of the Health Promoter in cases such as: retirement, death, illness, pregnancies, further education or training, or migration of a Health Promoter.”

Why is AMOS implementing this strategy?

Lester: “We have identified the need to gradually appeal to and train new community leaders, so they can take on a leadership role in the future. By doing this, we will be reducing the risk that a community remains inactive without a leader for a long time.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic led us to reflect on the need to have a health leadership succession plan in the communities. Approximately 42.1% of the current Health Promoters are in vulnerable conditions (they suffer from chronic illnesses, such as heart disease or hypertension).”

How long are these trainings estimated to last?

Lester: “It is estimated that this process will take about 2 years, including:

  • Recruitment of candidates: This is a responsibility delegated to the members of the community. They are in charge of identifying, gathering, and pre-selecting the candidates.
  • Selection and confirmation of candidates: This year, the confirmation took place with the Health Committees because community assemblies have been suspended as a COVID-19 prevention measure.
  • Training: This is carried out by the Rural Primary Health Care Supervisors during supervision rounds. This year, there will be 3 in-person training sessions.

From the logistical point of view, how are trainings conducted for these future Health Promoters?

Lester: “Currently, the person in charge of this process is Nurse Socorro Acuña, a task that he has been carrying out since 2013. The trainings take place during supervision rounds in each community. The training process is planned out in 2 phases.”

“The first phase requires personalized in-person training sessions provided to candidates in their own communities, for a total of 7 hours each. Candidates are provided with information about the mission, vision and values of AMOS; role of Health Promoters, community empowerment strategy tools, lessons on how to identify the vulnerable population, regulations from health authorities to address health issues, and they begin coordinations with the current Health Promoter in the community to help out at the Community Clinic.”

“During the second phase, they will have group trainings to promote the exchange of experiences between candidates by region. In this phase, it is planned to have an annual training of candidates (proposed to be held at the AMOS campus in 2022).”

“I have been in trainings since May 2021. So far, I have learned so much. The team is teaching us about the values of AMOS and the work that a Health Promoter performs. Currently, I’m studying to become a nurse (scholarship provided by AMOS donors). Because of this, I felt motivated to apply for the opportunity of being trained as a future Health Promoter.”

– Leyla Castellón, from the community of Fila Grande.

The AMOS family is growing! Thank you for helping us share health, love, and knowledge with more community leaders. Your support is absolutely essential for this life-saving work to continue.

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