Our First WASH Training at AMOS

Our First WASH Training at AMOS

This month, we held our first training for WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) community volunteers at the AMOS campus. We had the joy to host this group of wonderful women and men for 5 days. It was a time for sharing experiences and learning together.  Check out some photos from this great week below. On Sunday,…

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Our First Health Fair in Villa Guadalupe!

Our First Health Fair in Villa Guadalupe!

For the first time ever, we held a Health Fair in Villa Guadalupe! Since 2019, AMOS serves the vulnerable neighborhood of Villa Guadalupe (where the city dump is located) through one of our clinics. Most families living in this community live in severe poverty and very vulnerable conditions. That is why we were so happy…

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This was a happy surprise for him! 

This was a happy surprise for him! 

Ignacio de Jesus Torres is 65 years old. He first came to the clinic after his sister recommended it. “She said it was a really good clinic and that it was affordable”, shared Ignacio. Ignacio came to the Samaritan Clinic looking for a general physician, but he was happily surprised to see dental care was…

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She’s living her calling

She’s living her calling

“My name is Isabel Toruño Sequeira and I have been a technician in the Sexual and Reproductive Health Program for the past year. I was attracted to AMOS because of its focus on teaching and the possibility of sharing my knowledge, that is why I left my previous job focused on primary health care. After 8 years…

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Holding onto Hope for Maura

Holding onto Hope for Maura

“There is nothing else to do, we have no hope of her surviving. Please contact the mayor’s office and help us get a coffin to mourn her.”  When Ada Luz Montenegro, AMOS-trained Health Promoter in Apantillo, heard this from the parents of 11-year-old Maura, she was astonished but refused to give up hope for the…

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Baby Benjamin found Hope in our Health Promoter

Baby Benjamin found Hope in our Health Promoter

Benjamin is a sweet and resilient 2-year-old boy from the rural community of El Bambu, in the South Caribbean Coast Region of Nicaragua. Benjamin lives with his parents and three siblings, and like any child his age, he is full of energy and curiosity. However, not long ago, Benjamin fell seriously ill. His worried mother…

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Serving in Nicaragua: a life-changing experience!

Serving in Nicaragua: a life-changing experience!

Last month we welcomed Shwetha Sudhakar and Mackenzie Cater, who are both in internal medicine-pediatrics residency in Cleveland. During their in Nicaragua, they went up in the mountains in Nicaragua to participate in a Health Fair and delivered water filters. They also cared for patients in our urban clinics in Managua, did home visits to…

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She’s inspired to serve her neighbors

She’s inspired to serve her neighbors

Jeilin Téllez is the new health promoter of Banco de Siquia, in the South Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua. And your support is helping her change lives! Jeilin is 23 years old, the youngest member of her community’s Health Committee and also the first woman to become a Health Promoter in that region. Despite her young age,…

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Restoring hope for José Gabriel

Restoring hope for José Gabriel

“Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you, and I will carry you; I will sustain you, and I will rescue you.” -Isaiah 46:4  José Gabriel is nearly 90 years old. He lives in a vulnerable area of the community of…

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You Bring the Light of Hope to El Cedro

You Bring the Light of Hope to El Cedro

El Cedro is an extremely remote community in the South Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua. Only 4×4 vehicles can reach a certain point on the dirt road; the remaining distance requires a donkey, mule, or horse or walking on foot for many hours. The closest doctor and health center are about six hours away. This motivates…

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More than one way to bring hope…

More than one way to bring hope…

Jen was alone at home that day. Her husband woke up early to go work on the fields. Even though she was 34-weeks pregnant, she was still having nausea, and decided to lay on bed for a while. But…she woke up to pain in her belly and lower back. Soon it had spread to all…

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