El Bambú is a rural, remote community located in the South Caribbean Coast region of Nicaragua. It is two hours away from the nearest health center and about four hours away from the closest hospital. There are no doctors and no drugstore in the community.
Last year, there were 2 pregnant moms in El Bambú: Olmani and Doris.
José visited them during their pregnancies to make sure they attended more than 6 prenatal check-ups, gave them prenatal multivitamins, and counseled them on good nutrition and signs of alarm during pregnancy. Additionally, he taught them the importance of giving birth safely at a health unit, in the presence of medical professionals.
José says: “The knowledge we share is important for moms to learn how to take care of their health and their babies. Knowledge helps us to save lives.”
When their due date was approaching, Olmani and Doris went to the maternity waiting home (accommodations right next to the government-run health centers), as indicated by Jose. While they were there, Olmani’s blood pressure rose and she needed to be transferred to a hospital, where she gave birth to a baby boy.

Doris had unexpected complications when going into labor and was transferred to the nearest hospital 2 hours away. There, doctors had to perform an emergency C-section to deliver her baby girl.
Thanks to God, Olmani and Doris are back at El Bambú and their babies are growing healthy.
Without a trained Health Promoter in El Bambú, Olmani and Doris may have stayed in the community to give birth and this would have put their lives, and the lives of their babies, at high risk.

That is why we are so grateful for your support. You are helping us train and equip local leaders; like José Gómez, to prevent and treat disease, share health education that saves lives, and care for those most vulnerable in their own villages.
Your support helps advance community empowerment for lasting change!