Dr. Pedro León Pérez is our new Health Programs Manager. He brings with him 15 years of experience working at the Ministry of Health of Nicaragua -both at the local and national level-, as well as 15 years working in the nonprofit sector for the wellbeing of children.

Scroll down to learn more about him.

Dr. Pedro Pérez, AMOS Health Programs Manager

What moved you to work on the health sector?
From a very young age, I learned about the difficulties and limitations that people with disabilities experience, and working for the health and well-being of a child with a disability, providing them with the attention and stimulation they need to develop their life potential, has given me so much satisfaction. both professionally and in my spiritual growth. I am committed to service, in particular, those people who are in conditions of greater vulnerability, who have traditionally been excluded or who do not have the opportunity to access better living conditions. 

What are your impressions on community leaders (Health Promoters, Volunteer mothers, WASH promoters, etc)?
Something that impresses me a lot is that community leaders mobilize you to action! They motivate and encourage others to achieve common objectives for local health, and inject their energy and commitment to us to develop the necessary collaborative work, which allows for changes and the development of healthy practices at the family and community level. Something very important is that they promote community knowledge and strengthen individual but also collective knowledge and capacities to improve health in their territories. 

What are some of the challenges you perceive in the development of AMOS work plans in the communities where we serve?
• It is necessary to generate concrete evidence about the results that the community –with the support of AMOS– is achieving in the territories where we work. 
• It will be fundamental that we promote new leaderships (including youth) that motivate communities to participate — in an organized and sustained manner— in their own development and improvement of community health. 
• The effects of climate change can generate prolonged dry periods and affect crops, which can increase the levels of child malnutrition or floods can affect water sources and create conditions for an increase in water-borne diseases in the population.

Dr. Pedro (first from right to left) with rural program & monitoring and evaluation team.

What are the strengths that you have found in community organization in villages where we serve? How do you hope to build on those strengths?
• An excellent network of community health promoters organized, articulated, well coordinated with local authorities and with up-to-date skills and knowledge to address the main local health problems;
• A high social and Christian commitment to promote the well-being of others and the health of the population most in need in the communities;
• A solid community structure (local health committees) that works with and for the community, on issues of prevention and attention to priority health problems, with significant youth participation and recognition of the active participation of women.
• Attitude of service and commitment to other people (mainly those most in need) based on faith and values ​​such as solidarity, respect, collaborative work and love for the people we serve.

We will continue working to strengthen the capacities and leadership of local leaders in highly vulnerable rural areas, so that they can provide primary care to people who belong to pregnant women, children under 5 years-old and patients with chronic diseases. This can save lives…And this is precisely why health promoters work with faith and devotion in their communities. Together, we will continue on this mission to bring health and hope for all.

Dr. Pedro Pérez, AMOS Health Programs Manager


  1. 1
    Deborah Noeton on June 28, 2023

    Welcome, Dr. Pedro!

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