15 Stories of Hope: 11 of 15… Aura’s!

We want to share with you one of our stories of hope from the community of Tapasle. This story took place in 2020 and it is an example of how your support throughout the years has been invaluable in helping our Health Promoters offer health care to people in need.  This week’s story of hope is about…

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15 Stories of Hope: 10 of 15… Lilliam’s! 

This past month, AMOS led educational activities focused around Breast Cancer Awareness with our support groups. Today we’ll share with you one more example of how your support makes medical exams more accessible to patients in need. This week’s story of hope is about Lilliam, one of our newest patients at the Samaritan Clinic, who is staying…

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15 Stories of Hope: 9 of 15… Petronilo’s !

Today we share with you Petronilo’s story of motivation. His work as a Health Promoter impacts the quality of life of the people in his community, and for him, his role as a servant is a priority, no matter his own problems or circumstances. Petronilo’s love for his brothers and sisters inspires us! Thank you…

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15 Stories of Hope: 7 of 15… Patricia’s!

This week, we share a testimony from Patricia in 2016. Read below how her life challenges inspired her to care for her community.  Patricia lives with her 2 children and her sister in Nejapa, the semi-urban community in Managua where AMOS is based. She has been a Nejapa community health educator – or consejera in Spanish – since…

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15 Stories of Hope: 8 of 15… You gave us hope!

Today, we remember how your support lifted us and strengthened us in a time of crisis.  In 2018, Nicaragua was affected by civil unrest, but thanks to you, we were able to continue helping families in need access health care and give them much-needed hope. Our hearts warm to remember the outpouring of love and support we got from people like…

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15 Stories of Hope: 6 of 15… Ada Luz’s!

This week, we share with you a story from 2018. Ada Luz’s story of hope shows how your support prepares Health Promoters to treat diseases and face health emergencies in their communities. Thanks to your help, Ada Luz can continue to work to prevent child deaths and ensure that the mothers from Apantillo can see their…

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15 Stories of Hope: 5 of 15… Jose’s!

Today, we share with you Jose’s story of hope – a story of a man who turned his grief into a motivation to help his community live healthier and have hope.  It was a Sunday of August 2019, and Jose was at the community clinic in El Bambu. There were around 20 patients waiting. Because of the rainy…

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15 Stories of Hope: 4 of 15… Silvina’s!

We are sharing one of the many stories of hope from Silvina – a story of women supporting women – and just one example of how your support over the past 15 years has brought communities together to save lives. “There are always several pregnant women in my community of Calderón. One day, a pregnant woman…

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15 Stories of Hope: #3 of 15… Isaac!

In March 2016, two young children arrived at the community clinic in El Socorro, Matagalpa, with severe skin problems. When Isaac Fley, the AMOS-trained Health Promoter in the community, saw the sores, he recognized that they could be from a disease called leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease spread by the bites of sand flies. There…

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15 stories of Hope: #2 of 15… Candida!

Candida lives in the community of El Cedro, 2.5 hours away from the community clinic, and 12 hours away from the health center in El Ayote, the closest town. Her family raises and sells a few hens and pigs. This is the only income in the house. In 2017, Candida was 33 years old and…

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15 Stories of Hope: #1 of 15… Santiago!

15 Stories of Hope: #1 of 15… Santiago!

This year, AMOS is celebrating our 15th anniversary! Thanks to your support over the past 15 years, we have learned so much, overcome numerous challenges, and saved countless lives along the way. As we turn the page to our next chapter, we want you to know how much your support means to us and the more than…

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