15 Stories of Hope: #1 of 15… Santiago!

15 Stories of Hope: #1 of 15… Santiago!

This year, AMOS is celebrating our 15th anniversary! Thanks to your support over the past 15 years, we have learned so much, overcome numerous challenges, and saved countless lives along the way. As we turn the page to our next chapter, we want you to know how much your support means to us and the more than…

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How You Help Diego and Sobeydin

A couple of weeks ago, our team visited the community of Tierra Blanca, in Boaco. And, even though this community is just a couple of hours away from Managua, its population lives in vulnerable conditions. We give thanks to Yadira Sevilla, Health Promoter in Tierra Blanca, and to all the families who welcomed us into…

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Stories from the field: Giving hope to Sandra

Sandra is 21 years old and lives in the community of El Socorro, Matagalpa, where she was born and raised. Currently, Sandra lives with her partner in a house they share with her partner’s parents. There, she is in charge of cooking, washing, and cleaning, while the rest of the household members work for a…

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You are supporting Parenting With Love in Nicaragua!

Over the past few years, social and economic factors like the downturn of the economy and food and medicine shortages have created barriers for mothers and children to lead healthy lives. Many families have faced new challenges brought on by this difficult context, and others are simply unfamiliar with practices that can best facilitate physical,…

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You Bring Hope to Fila Grande!

A couple of months ago, in the remote community of Fila Grande in Matagalpa, Kenia’s 18-month-old son, Jairo, got sick. Kenia, who also has an older daughter, is a single mom. She lives in poverty, but she feels blessed to have some support from her parents. Kenia was extremely worried about Jairo.  But she remembered…

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Parenting With Love: A program that is transforming families!

José is 27 years old and lives in the semi-urban community of Nejapa with his partner, Michelle. Michelle is a young mother who has become a community leader and a guide for other mothers in the community. As a Volunteer Mother of the Parenting with love program, Michelle has not only influenced her neighbors, but…

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You Help Us Care For Vulnerable Children!

In the community of Nejapa, where AMOS’s headquarters is located, most families struggle to meet their basic needs, like accessing nutritious food, clean water, and medical care.  That’s why your support to the Samaritan Clinic is so important! You help the Samaritan Clinic offer high-quality health services as well as free medications to patients in…

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Mother’s Day Stories: Aracely

Aracely Arauz is 32 years old and lives in the community of San Jose de la Mula. Aracely and her husband have three children: a 9-year-old girl, a 4-year-old boy, and an 11-day-old newborn baby! Aracely’s husband grows and harvests beans and corn to make a living. These crops are also their main source of food. Aracely…

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Mother’s Day Stories: Meet Migdalia and Melissa

Melissa and her grandmother Migdalia, visited the Dental Clinic this week because Melissa was in a lot of pain. Migdalia has been taking care of her grandchildren for years now, and for Melissa, Migdalia is like her mother, the person who cares for her everyday. Melissa is 17 years old. She is in high school,…

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Mother’s Day Stories: Meet Gabriela

Gabriela Cortez is 27 years old, and serves her community as a Volunteer Mother. Gabriela explains: “I have lived in the area of Nejapa all my life. Three years ago, I moved to a sector in Nejapa called Villa Ferrufino. There, I live alone with my husband and children.” Villa Ferrufino is a new sector…

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You Help Petronilo Care for Johana!

Johana is 45 years old and lives in the community of Fila Grande, in Matagalpa. AMOS has been working alongside this community for years. In fact, late Dr. Gustavo Parajón (AMOS co-founder) started working with them in an AMOS predecessor organization. A couple of weeks ago, when we visited Johana at her home, she shared with us about…

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