One smile at a time!

One smile at a time!

Thanks to the support of our wonderful donors, AMOS offers low-cost dental health services 3 days a week at the Samaritan Clinic located in Nejapa. This program seeks to help people who do not have the financial resources to care for their dental health. But, besides offering treatments, we also aim to prevent dental problems….

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How You Helped Save the Mom of 8 Children

How You Helped Save the Mom of 8 Children

A few months ago, Sara was pregnant with her 8th child. She lives in a rural community close to Cumaica Norte, where AMOS serves. Being the mom of 7 children already, Sara had decided to give birth at home. But, health authorities were concerned about her and her baby. Sara was 45 years old and…

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Finding A Way For Hope… For Yosai

Finding A Way For Hope… For Yosai

This holiday season, one of our wishes for you is HOPE. A life lived and led by hope. And that is our wish for every single person in the 25 vulnerable communities we serve in Nicaragua, including Yosai, a one-year-old baby boy living in El Bambu, one of the most remote communities in the South…

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More than one way to bring hope…

More than one way to bring hope…

Jen was alone at home that day. Her husband woke up early to go work on the fields. Even though she was 34-weeks pregnant, she was still having nausea, and decided to lay on bed for a while. But…she woke up to pain in her belly and lower back. Soon it had spread to all…

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A Health Promoter Training looks like this!

A Health Promoter Training is a week of intense learning, both in theory and practice. During these days the Health Promoters have a space to share about their experiences, doubts, concerns, challenges and to provide and receive feedback. Last week, they had the chance to learn about how to care for wounds and burns, equipment sterilization, children rights protection…

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Volunteering in Nicaragua: A testimony

Marisol Cortez came to Nicaragua to serve alongside us for 2 months. Below, we share with you some of her thoughts about serving with AMOS in rural and urban Nicaragua.  Marisol is 21 years old and a senior majoring in Biochemistry and Medical Studies at Bates College. She is with International Ministries and is pursuing her dream of missionary…

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Learn about our new pilot program!

This year, AMOS launched its Sexual and Reproductive Health Pilot Program in Matagalpa. One of our main goals is to work with community leaders to reduce teen pregnancy, diseases, and maternal deaths through educational fairs. This Pilot Program came as a response to a need identified by local leaders in the 6 communities we serve in Matagalpa, who asked for help and support to…

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Training community health leaders: Pánfila

Pánfila, Health Promoter Candidate from Nacascolo, is one of the many community health leaders currently in training to support the work of current Health Promoters or step up to that role if needed. A few weeks ago, she shared about her and her challenges in this process: “I am 25 years old. I was born…

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You help children in rural Nicaragua!

You help children in rural Nicaragua!

A testimony from Isabel Peralta, Health Promoter from La Consulta “Two children – ages 4 and 5 – arrived sick to the community clinic. They were cousins. They came with one of their dads and an aunt. They live in a nearby community, called El Caimito. They had walked all the way to La Consulta hoping to…

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You Give Hope to Jania

Jania has been a patient at the Villa Guadalupe clinic for years. She lives with her husband, her daughter and their grandson. She is a housewife. Her husband is the only person in the house with a job. “Here we are treated very well, I have no complaints. It’s close to me, the cost of…

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Sharing Hope with José Gabriel

José Gabriel, an 88-years old patient in Nejapa, had 7 children with his wife. Sadly, she passed away three years ago. He enjoys reading the Bible and other books while sitting in his wheelchair at the entrance of his house. José Gabriel has lived in a sector of Nejapa near the Samaritan Clinic for 43 years. This Clinic…

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